Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Every Promise in the Book is Mine

"Every promise in the book is mine. Every chapter, every verse, every line. … Every promise in the book is mine. Mine. Mine. Mine."1

Unfortunately, the refrain of this old hymn exemplifies the error of essentially every “Christian” cult i.e., spiritualizing His Word, thereby misappropriating God given "promises" to Israel.

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe they are Revelation’s hundred and forty and four thousand chosen from all the tribes of the children of Israel. Mormons believe they are the ten lost tribes of Israel. British Israelism teaches that Britain is Ephraim and America Manasseh. Searching the internet for the phrase New Covenant, I inadvertently accessed a church of that name that “professes” the Lord Jesus Christ; they believe they are the new white Aryan Israel of God.

When I wrote this many years ago after being introduced to this example of a "doctrinally inappropriate" song, I assumed the orally transmitted refrain was a variant of some old and lost "hymn," but I was wrong! It was the genesis of a genre that has essentially replaced hymns today!

1A variant of a praise chorus by Pearl Spencer Smith, Every Promise in the Book is Mine, 1937.

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